Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sex after birth

Birth is on my mind a lot as I have so many friends heavily pregnant... Sex less so - tired, tired, tired! But I came across a great post from Hobo Mama, and a wonderful array of comments on a topic so little discussed. One day I may discuss it here, but for now stop by these blogs to find out real mama's experiences, and that you are not alone whatever yours might be.

And for a very positive take on the topic

It is a topic which I am really interested in, and I have written an article for Modern Mum on "Getting your Groove Back" here, and intend to write more on the topic, it is such an important and little talked about subject. Please do take part in my (anonymous) questionnaire on how motherhood has changed your feelings about sex and your body - here.

Please note the links below are from Hobomama's site - she ha bewitched my LinkedWithin app!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! So topical, LOL - just last night we had a conversation about this. Second time around I find things so much more complicated, and not just practically (nursing, keeping an ear out constantly for cries from one of them) but also emotionally, mentally and of course physically (oh so tired!)... I never ever would have thought I'd feel like this.

    Off to do your questionnaire :)




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